Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How they (China) solve problem & how we (India) ?

Came across an eye-opener article of how China resolves her problem w.r.t. Xinjiang (China's Kashmir), we (India) might want to learn something from her neighbor.

Read on ... "A tale of two Kashmirs"

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

E. Sreedharan ... a life sketch

Morning ... reading spiritual books, like the Srimad Bhagvadam at least for half an hour. Meditation, then pranayam. The whole process takes about one hour fifteen minutes, one hour thirty minutes. Then going for a walk in the morning.

Office from 8:30 to 5:30 ...

Evening ... again some spiritual reading, reading the Bhagvad Gita for fifteen, twenty minutes, then some pranayam and then yoga

Who is this ? E. Sreedharn, the man behind the Metros ...

Read more in his interview

ahimsa paramo dharma ?

We often hear slogans of "ahimsa paramo dharma" but rarely anyone teaches the statement next to it "dharma himsa tathiav cha" and when you join both it becomes

"ahimsa paramo dharma, dharma himsa tathiav cha"
(Non-violence is param-dharma, so is righteous violence)

This is the complete truth.

Here is what Swami Chinmayananda ji says ... (excerpts from article)

"Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah" -- "Non - Violence is the greatest Dharma." This line in its over - emphasis, has sapped both initiative and energy in our millions, and, instead of making us all irresistible moral giants, we have been reduced to poltroons and cowards. And banking on this cowardly resignation of the majority, a handful of fanatics have been perpetrating crimes which even the most barbarous cave dwellers would have avenged. To clothe our weaknesses, we attribute to them glorious names and purposefully persuade ourselves to believe that they are brilliant ideologists !

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Remembering Kargil after a decade ....

Do we remember ?

These were the days a decade ago when our soldiers were laying down their lives so that we could live.

There were the days a decade ago when our nation fought an open war, not the proxy war which we have been fighting all along.

So, remember Kargil and with it the memories of the supreme sacrifices made by our jawans and along side of it the lessons of being awake and always on the vigil.
