Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Happy Vijaydashmi

A poem composed on "Vijay Dashami" 2006 ... revisiting it today :-

अच्छाई की बुराई पर विजय,

अधर्म की धर्म द्वारा पराजय।

यही है हमारा भारत देश,

जिसने दिया विश्व को यह सन्देश।

विनाश की ओर अग्रसर हो रहा है देश,

भुला दिया है विजयदशमी का पावन सन्देश।

बेईमानी और लालच की चादर मे लिपटा है मानव,

भुला कर ईमानदारी लग रहा है दानव।

ईमानदारी की बेईमानी पर होती है जीत,

विजयदशमी गाती है यही पावन संगीत।

शोषण और दुराचार की चपेट मे है समाज,

भ्रष्ट नेता कर रहे है जंता पर राज।

अन्याय की न्याय द्वारा होती है सर्वदा हार,

विजयदशमी का यही है पावन त्योहार ।

फैली है समाज मे अमानवीयता,

गहरे सन्कट मे है इस देश की भारतीयता।

सदाचारी की दुराचारी पर विजय है निश्चित,

विजयदशमी करती है इस अटल सत्य को सुनिश्चित ।

आतंकवाद के भय से कांप रहा है देश-विदेश,

धर्म के नाम पर फैलाया जा रहा है अधर्म का उपदेश।

प्रत्येक रावण को अब लंका सहित जलाना होगा।

विश्व को विजयदशमी का सन्देश देना होगा,

विजयदशमी के पर्व पर, आज प्रण हमे लेना होगा,

प्रत्येक भारतीय को अपने भीतर श्रीराम को जन्म देना होगा।

विजयदशमी के पर्व पर, आज संकल्प हमे लेना होगा,

भारतवर्ष मे रामराज्य स्थापित करना होगा।

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sri Aurobindo - Gita, Vasudev, Sanatan Dharma and India

100 years back, on 30th May 1909, a man delivered his last political speech before retiring from active political life and moving to Puduchery for his spiritual pursuits. He was Sri Aurobindo.


You'll enjoy the speech if you read through full text but for those with time constraints ... :), highlights are given below

* How he saw Vasudev (Shri Krishna) everywhere in Jail, his conversations with God (Vasudev) and also how Vasudev helped him.

I looked the jail that secluded me from men and it was no longer by its high walls that I was imprisoned; no, it was Vasudeva who surrounded me. I walked under the branches of the tree in front of my cell but it was not the tree, I knew it was Vasudeva, it was Sri Krishna whom I saw standing there and holding over me his shade.

* Bhagavad Gita and Sanatan Dharma.

Then He placed the Gita in my hands. His strength entered into me and I was able to do the sadhana of the Gita. I was not only to understand intellectually but to realise what Sri Krishna demanded of Arjuna and what He demands of those who aspire to do His work, to be free from repulsion and desire, to do work for Him without the demand for fruit, to renounce self-will and become a passive and faithful instrument in His hands, to have an equal heart for high and low, friend and opponent, success and failure, yet not to do His work negligently. I realised what the Hindu religion meant. We speak often of the Hindu religion, of the Sanatan Dharma, but few of us really know what that religion is. Other religions are preponderatingly religions of faith and profession, but the Sanatan Dharma is life itself; it is a thing that has not so much to be believed as lived.

Above description is what Gita explains as 'Karma-Yoga'.

* India's rise, nationalism and Sanatan Dharma

She (India) does not rise as other countries do, for self or when she is strong, to trample on the weak. She is rising to shed the eternal light entrusted to her over the world. India has always existed for humanity and not for herself and it is for humanity and not for herself that she must be great.......When therefore it is said that India shall rise, it is the Sanatan Dharma that shall be great........I spoke once before with this force in me and I said then that this movement is not a political movement and that nationalism is not politics but a religion, a creed, a faith. I say it again today, but I put it in another way. I say no longer that nationalism is a creed, a religion, a faith; I say that it is the Sanatan Dharma which for us is nationalism. This Hindu nation was born with the Sanatan Dharma, with it it moves and with it it grows. When the Sanatan Dharma declines, then the nation declines, and if the Sanatan Dharma were capable of perishing, with the Sanatan Dharma it would perish.