Sunday, August 17, 2008

"Swatantrata" ... what we mean by it ?

This "Swatantrata Divas" (15th August, 2008), I was fortunate to listen from a person whom I could relate to as my "Swajan". I, hereon, share some of his thoughts, whatever I could recollect. I have added mine in between to supplement the views as per my understanding and perspectives.

Whenever mankind has in his possession anything in excess, he has tried to miniaturize it. Miniaturization is the natural fallout of excellence. For instance, early computers used to occupy large rooms, now once we have a strong hold on their technology; we have better computers with size as small as that of a notebook. Physically carrying billions of dollars of wealth is difficult, so we have smart-card based plastic money system. Similarly, in ancient India, our own forefathers, when they had an excess of knowledge, then they tried the miniaturization. So, they tried to capture this vast knowledge into "slokas" (stanza), from slokas into "sutras" (sentence) and from sutras into "shabda" (word).

The word "Swatantrata", which is made up of "swa" (means our own) and "tantra" (means a thread or system of working). For instance, in constitutional context, he said that Indian constitution is not based on Indian views but is borrowed from alien land.

nother term explained was the concept of “Rashtram” (nation), which came from term “Raja” (king). (We must not confuse this word with the present concept of "state") A king as described in Manusmriti is someone who is full of energy, light, power and might. Seeing him the enemy shivers. He is righteous and protects the nation. In parallet, nation too has to possess all these qualities for itself to be qualified as a nation. Mere recognition by some other country doesn't make a new nation. Nation must not be thought as just another piece of land.

The three pillars of a nation are:-

1. Those who run the nation eg. Administrator, politicians, etc.

2. System running in the nation eg. Constitution, justice system , etc.

3. Those for whom system is made eg. Common man.

All these have to necessarily qualify the attributes of the king as outlined above and also their source of inspiration and thinking has to come from our own ancestors (seers and saints).

Indian loss to China is indicative of disastrous consequences if alien thoughts prevail at the helm where Indian thoughts are imperative.

An intellectual like Pt. Nehru, who had written books on India in depth, couldn’t understand our neighbor’s aggressive designs and we lost to China, in spite of China gaining her independence after us and China been under-developed than India in 1962. However, the same nation under the leadership of LaL Bahadur Shastri fought bravely against Pakistan’s aggression and won in 1965, barely three years after humiliating defeat against China.

What was the difference?

Shastri Ji was not an intellectual, yet he knew the pulse of India, her culture and values (“famous pledge seeking Indians to fast”) and he had confidence and faith in Indian system of governance while Pandit Ji being intellectual often borrowed ideas from the outside and tried to apply in India, which Indians didn’t accept whole heartedly essentially because they were not Indian.

Here, I would like to quote Pt. Nehru’s statements after the defeat from China:-

"I remember many a time when our senior generals came to us, and wrote to the defence ministry saying that they wanted certain things... If we had had foresight, known exactly what would happen, we would have done something else... what India has learnt from the Chinese invasion is that in the world of today there is no place for weak nations... We have been living in an unreal world of our own creation." Read more ...

I don’t mean to disrepute any of my ancestors (Pandit Ji) here, but it pains me immensely when they make mistakes which quite obviously they should not have been making.

India is known to fight not just till death but even after death. Our brave soldiers are known to continue firing on the enemy with one hand while the other hand was pushing their intestines inside. Our revered Sikh guru is known to have fought even after his head was cut off from his body.

What is that logic that defies all the logics for such incidents to have occurred?

It is the greatest selfless love for our motherland, a land which is manifestation of the oldest culture and civilization flourishing in the world. It is the supreme sacrifice for our own (“Swa”) traditions and values (“Tantra”). It is the expressions of “Swatantra” of Bharatiyas unmatched in the entire human race known to mankind.

Root cause of the problem, in conclusion lies with the “slave” thinking which has penetrated deep into our minds, so, we are free from outside but colonized from within. This "Partantra" thinking has to be changed. We have to rediscover our glorious past, realize our true potential and become free from slavery. We must convert back to the original “Swatantra” thinking based on appropriate understanding of our own (“Swa”) scriptures, history, society, administration and whatever that is ours (“Tantra”).

It wasn't just talk, the "Swajan" I was listening from, has backed his thoughts with this own personal experiences that how he has been successfully able to produce a medicine which helps a person in leaving addiction of alcohol, which an allopathic doctor, studied under so called “scientific” modern education gave up as an impossible task.

Finally, I end this with two famous quotes by a person who need no introduction ...

"To recover Indian thought, Indian character, Indian perceptions, Indian energy, Indian greatness and to solve the problems that perplex the world in an Indian spirit and from Indian standpoint, this, in our view, is the mission of Nationalism" .... Sri Aurobindo

And what is needed to achieve this mission ?

"The profession of Nationalism should not be lightly made but with a full sense of what it means and involves. The priviledge of taking it is attended with severe pains and penalties for those who take it lightly. If we are few, it matters little, but it is of supreme importance that the stuff of which we are made should be sound. What the mother needs is hard clear steel for her sword, hard massive granite for her fortress, wood that will not break for the handle of her bow, tough substance and true for the axle of her chariot. For the battle is near and trumpet ready for the signal" .... Sri Aurobindo